Experience Pain-Free Dental Cleaning with Air Flow GBT Technology

Taking care of your oral and dental health is crucial and should not be neglected. According to dental professionals, your gums and teeth should be checked and cleaned of plaque every six months. Traditionally, scaling with vibrating tools has been popular, but it may cause pain or tooth sensitivity. Today, new technology using air and […]

10 Questions and Answers about Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a condition that is commonly undetected by those who have it. Often with teens and children, parents only consider that their child may have scoliosis when they notice that the child has uneven shoulders or an uneven waistline. Some people only discover that they have scoliosis after a chest X-ray, as part of their […]

Genomics: an evolution to a new health care?

Drugs or treatment affect patients differently and we’re more increasingly understanding why. For many of us, it depends on our genes.The Holy Grail in health care has long been believed to be personalized medicine, or what is now called precision medicine.  But getting to the level of precision we wanted wasn’t possible until now. What’s […]